Social Security Benefits Maximization
1 (800) 301-8818
Social Security includes 567 ways to claim – ZERO employees to advise you – and your decision can leave $250,000 of your money with the government. And…you don’t get a second chance once you have claimed. For some reason, many people don’t think of Social Security as part of their financial resources, or as something that requires planning. The fact is that if you’re like most people, Social Security will represent 39% percent of your retirement income – or at least it can if you maximize it…
Two common and threatening misconceptions about Social Security:

Social Security is simply a matter of signing up for it; there are not many decisions that have to be made.
The Social Security administration is well equipped to help you with the signing-up process.
Both of these notions are utterly incorrect. Making an incorrect decision can leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. In fact, the Social Security Administration is not permitted to assist you with making choices.
I took the time to become an expert in Social Security issues so that I could help my clients maximize their Social Security resources as part of their complete retirement portfolios.
Dealing with social security plans can be a tricky matter so call now for a quote, and we'll have you covered.

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